SPOTLIGHT ON DRIBUTTS: assisting households who requirement DIAPERS

My wonderful sister-in-law emailed me about Layla, a woman blog writer from the Deep South in the process of adopting a bit kid from Haiti, who was telling the story of an fantastic new diaper. fantastic diaper, really? Yep, for DriButts, diaper requirement was the difficulty that spurred some extremely innovative solutions.

It turns out that in parts of Haiti where sanitation is limited, having clean diapers is a significant problem. That makes sense as well as absolutely sucks. Upon visiting, Michael as well as Starla Wahl were inspired to discover a diaper that worked in hot climates, was hand-washable, reusable, extremely absorptive as well as quick drying (that would fight against bacteria –not harbor it– as well as be great to wear). considering that they couldn’t discover a diaper that satisfied all those specifications, they made one.

Though I didn’t try one on, I am absolutely impressed.

These diapers were produced to assist households in Haiti who don’t have trustworthy gain access to to diapers, however we believed it was something all mamas might associate to as well as potentially assist out with. You can donate these diapers to households in requirement or try one on your own babe. DriButts is using these diapers locally using the get ONE provide ONE model; whenever a Stateside diaper is purchased, a field diaper is contributed to a establishing country.

We have been assisting mamas in our own area who experience from diaper requirement with HelpaMotherOut, as well as believed this may be something you guys would care about.

[Photo of fantastic diaper courtesy of, diaper requirement avengers]

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